What is a Copyright? How can I get a Copyright? Why do I need a Copyright? How much does a Copyright
What is a Copyright? Copyright is the collective name for the rights to control (1) reproduction (additional copies), (2) preparation of...
Dear Reader:
THE INFORMATION BELOW IS NOT MEANT TO REPLACE FORMAL LEGAL ADVICE, but rather designed to give a quick, informative, and simplified primer on the discussed materials. If you have or are concerned that you may have an issue that requires formal legal counseling, I recommend you directly contact and communicate with a knowledgeable attorney. This information is meant solely to educate. By using this information you agree that no attorney client relationship has been created or implied, formally or informally. Those are the terms of using this information and by continuing to read these posts you expressly consent to those terms. I sincerely hope you find this information useful. Of course I welcome all opportunities to provide you with formal legal services should you need them. If you find that you have a legal need contact me through any of the means provided in the Contact page. That being said, please enjoy.
Eric A. Hinojosa